Ignoring the unneeded files that inevitably accumulate on your computer is always a bad idea. Eventually, the speed and the performance level of your computer will decrease because of them. Insufficient disk space can also become a problem as a result of this matter. Uncleaner represents a simple and effective manner to deal with this situation.
Uncleaner will scan your system, detect the unnecessary files and then remove them. It will perform all these actions in an automated manner, without requiring too much user interaction or taking a lot of time. In just a few minutes it will clean the unneeded files from your system. Besides its very fast cleaning speed, I also like its minimalistic interface. There are no intricate settings or complicated menus. At the end of the cleaning process, you can press the “Last File Report” button and see a quite comprehensive list with the files that have been deleted, as well as additional details about them, such as where they were located, what their sizes were and what their type was. A chart display option is also available.
Another feature that I appreciate about Uncleaner is the scheduling function. It can automatically run a cleanup job at every system startup, reducing even more from the necessity of constant user interventions. Therefore, you will be able to keep your system clean for months or even years without doing anything except for having Uncleaner installed and scheduled to run automatically. That’s also possible because, while most system cleaning applications require a lot of tweaking from the users, Uncleaner doesn’t require any previous configuration before being able to scan your computer for unneeded files. It will “know” by default what type of files it should look for and delete, accurately removing all the unneeded files, whether they are log files, temporary files or empty (zero-bytes) files.
Summing it up, Uncleaner is a nice tool meant from the start to be as independent as possible from user interaction. I like its simplicity, but I would have liked it even more if it allowed advanced users to be able to specify exactly what files it should delete.
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